Kavalan Latest Update
Friday, November 12, 2010

The lates update regarding Ilayathalapathy Vijay's KAVALAN is that, Vijay is right now busy dubbing his voice for the movie and expectations are soaring higher day by day as the release date is getting closer and the movie is all set to be released in December. The movie is almost completed with just one song remaining which would be shot in some exotic foreign locales. Confusions are rounding up,regarding the day when the audio of the movie would be launched. But news regarding the audio is still kept under wraps and nothing is confirmed officially as of now, except that the audio is all confirmed to be released anytime next week.
Since this news came, all fans have started to throng their nearby audio shops inquiring about the exact release date. Vidya Sagar has composed the music and since being a love story, all songs are expected to be melodies and peppy numbers which would attract the youth. Lets keep our fingers crossed and enjoy our Kaavalan songs soon.
Keep watching the space for more updates regarding Kaavalan.