Sura & Singam fights for release date!
Thursday, March 11, 2010

It is a big question among the traders that which of the two biggies Vijay’s Sura or Suriya’s Singam will release for April 14?
Earlier, it was said that Sun Pictures are likely to release both the movies. As Sun Pictures will follow the Hollywood pattern that is the first print of the film will be first seen by competent team of studio executives, and the necessary improvements will be made as per the conditions.
So, the race is going on between both the producers of the films to get that big summer special release –April 14. On the other hand Sun Pictures is also in a dilemma of the movie release. But finally it says that the preference will be taken purely on the basis of who will submit the film for analysis first.
Let’s see which movie gets its release date first. It’s Sura or Singam?